bridge burn brothers

lashes of the tongue run across cigarette ash on shitty glass coffee tables. it’s a strange thing to digest the remarks of people close to you, body temple magistrates are poison sellers, degree holding maniacs with abstractions the constrict your throat. it’s fine to be here sometimes, when the temperature is pleasing and the sky […]

on the state of the soul during quarantine

the interior of our being during this strange time seems hostile, alien, unknowable. many of us seem to be plagued by nightmares and anxieties, and to have the willpower to do anything besides indulge in media and vices requires seemingly Herculean effort. i have many friends who claim they have nothing to do: that they […]

there’s been whisperings of your posturing, you see. wet whispers in the dying light of faded bulbs and aimless insects floating about. mechanical fascination with light. that’s what you remind me of. and there are times, and there are times, and there are times, pointless though they may be, language which obfuscates and points away […]

Guro Angel Metaphysics

two angels of the Physical sit bleeding on obsidian shelves, embracing each other. fire consumes the sky while their androgynous flesh apparatuses process the data slowly: they had gotten their metaphysics really fucking wrong. tiny stars blink beyond the smoke and ash and the hellscape is punctuated by a soft symphony. they hold each other […]

watch :))))

watch the sky burn with androgynous love, platonic forms floating idly, wanting physical creatures to comprehend, smooth brains struggling, aching towards the divine, increasingly complex Forms which distinguish themselves beyond the Mass of the Physical, tiny lines combine and grown together, they construct a temple towards that Jerusalem of the Self, eternal Being locked in […]

fucking violence

fucking violence, the kind that hypnotizesyouth into despising women more seemingly isolatedpressures in the forehead, pineal glandcalcified and deranged, knife held toown throat drop of blood below the nose, can’t reachit with self-hating tongue which spewsforth silent crimes against Being, thereis no ontological imperative for youto assert yourself oneverything has already been worked out you […]

thin lipped devil bitch

there is a soft contortion in the lower back, and the muscles across the body begin to vibrate violently. eyes open and pupils dilate, the air becomes compressed, lungs explode and the liver becomes enlarged, the forehead starts to burn and flesh melts away until that third eye presents itself for all others to see: […]

Troilus Gets Vored into the Mouth of Heaven

There was something soft in the air, it spoke in gentle rolling tides and glided across the ear eagerly. I held my friend as we sat in the waiting room. Cream colored tile shone under natural light that fell through three windows above us. I remember seeing how the clouds passed over us, pillows of […]


through places marked by disaster and a distant voice consistently calling out for help, there is a muttering that persists between the bark of trees rendered useless by the birds who sing insistently, there are no more females in this forest, a fire rages east and the sun begins to radiate gently, gently, gently while […]

thoughts on suicide

i felt like dying today. like most people i think, death is constantly echoing in my internal dialogue with myself, always bouncing and reverberating off the same old walls: (mostly) self-imposed isolation, disdain for society as-it-currently-exists, the incessant hum of self-doubt and hatred towards the unkind “Other” existing with little regard for all that surrounds […]